Anime like Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta Hikuma Doushi, S Rank Boukensha ni Hirowareru: Kono Shiromadoushi ga Kikakugai Sugiru

What is Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta Hikuma Doushi, S Rank Boukensha ni Hirowareru: Kono Shiromadoushi ga Kikakugai Sugiru about?

Studio: Felix Film
Status: Not_Yet_Released

One day, Lloyd, a white mage, is banished from the hero’s party. Lloyd, who has lost his job, happens to accompany an S-rank party on a quest by chance. At that time, no one knew that the hero’s party would collapse and Lloyd would gain fame - yet. This is the story of an extraordinary support magic-user who thinks he is normal, becomes an adventurer, while he is unaware how he eventually becomes peerless.

Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta Hikuma Doushi, S Rank Boukensha ni Hirowareru: Kono Shiromadoushi ga Kikakugai Sugiru


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