Anime like Don't Worry: Monotarinai Monogatari


What is Don't Worry: Monotarinai Monogatari about?

Status: Finished

Music video directed by Kousuke Sugimoto for the title track Don't Worry: Monotarinai Monogatari by Japanese singer and voice actor Kenji Nojima in his third independent album.

Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Don't Worry: Monotarinai Monogatari



Also known as Cinderella.

Studio: monofilmo
Status: Finished
Genres: Fantasy

Music video directed by Chiaki Kanno for the song Cinderella by Cider Girl.

Note: The song featured in this music video was also used as the opening theme for the anime Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu.

Tags: Musical Theater , Fairy Tale , Primarily Female Cast , Animals


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