What is Hen Zemi about?
Studio: Xebec
Status: Finished
Tags: Seinen , College , School Club , Primarily Adult Cast , Nudity , Female Protagonist
Here is a list of Anime similar to Hen Zemi
Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika
Also known as Comical Psychosomatic Medicine. Studio: Shin-Ei Animation
Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Psychological
Tags: Educational , Seinen , Slapstick , Work , Medicine , Meta , Parody
Yuri Seijin Naoko-san (2012)
Studio: Aniplex , ufotable
Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy
Tags: Surreal Comedy , Denpa , Female Protagonist , Primarily Female Cast , Yuri , Aliens , Musical Theater , Bisexual
Studio: Aniplex , Lantis , Bridge , Cospa , Studio Mausu
Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Slice of Life
The three are all in the same class, led by the newly graduated teacher Yabe Satoshi. He usually gets pushed around by the girls and, on occasion, abused but the triplets also try to lead him and the new school nurse, the clumsy Kuriyama Aiko, together. However, Yabe had no intention of dating Aiko and the methods the triplets use to accomplish their goal are highly unorthodox...
Tags: Primarily Child Cast , School , Teacher , Bullying , Shounen , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Family Life , Meta , Kuudere
Koe de Oshigoto!: The ANIMATION
Also known as Koe de Oshigoto. Studio: Pony Canyon , Media Blasters , Studio Gokumi
Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Ecchi
Tags: Meta , Work , Acting , Seinen , Primarily Female Cast , Female Protagonist , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , School , Nudity
Also known as Genshiken. Studio: Genco , Lantis , Kids Station , Media Blasters , Palm Studio , Toshiba Entertainment
Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Slice of Life
When he first visited Genshiken, short for "Gendai Shikaku Bunka Kenkyuu Kai" (Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture), his groundless pride was destroyed by the plotting of Madarame, a sophomore student in Genshiken, but he still couldn't admit that he is an otaku.
However, as he participates in society activities such as visiting dojin (private publishing) shops and anime festivals, and hangs out with other society members Kosaka (a hardcore otaku despite his extreme eccentricities and good looks), Kosaka's girlfriend Kasuga Saki (who isn't really an otaku), Ohno (a cosplayer) and the others, he opens his mind and resolves that he will make his way into the otaku world. With their help, Sasahara slowly adjusts to otaku life in Genshiken.
Tags: Otaku Culture , School Club , Parody , Cosplay , College , Meta , Ensemble Cast , Primarily Adult Cast , Male Protagonist , Heterosexual , Seinen , Video Games