Anime like Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.

Genres: Slice of Life

What is Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru. about?

Studio: CloverWorks
Status: Finished

A series of shorts directed by Ayako Kurata. Made as a collaboration between the color test company Shikisai Kentei Kyoukai, animation studio CloverWorks, and mangaka Tsubasa Yamaguchi.

1) 色を知るたび、世界が広くなる「就活篇」/ Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.: Shuukatsu (August 18, 2022)
2) 色を知るたび、世界が広くなる「私の仕事篇」/ Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.: Watashi no Shigoto-hen (August 25, 2022)

Tags: Work , Female Protagonist , Male Protagonist
Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.

Kimi no Suki ni Deaou.

Kimi no Suki ni Deaou.

Studio: Liberty Animation Studio , Docomo Anime Store
Status: Finished
Genres: Romance

A pair of commercials directed by Toshitaka Shinoda made for danime store. The tie-in track for both commercials is “Matasaburo” by Yorushika.

1: キミの好きに出会おう (告白)/ Kimi no Suki ni Deaou (Kokuhaku), released May 9, 2021.
2: キミの好きに出会おう (奪還)/ Kimi no Suki ni Deaou (Dakkan), released September 30, 2021.

Tags: Advertisement , Heterosexual , Motorcycles , Magic , Nekomimi , Food , Angels
Tokimeki wa, Sugu Soba ni.

Tokimeki wa, Sugu Soba ni.

Studio: The Answer Studio
Status: Finished
Genres: Romance , Slice of Life , Sports

A series of commercials directed by Hiroshi Kawamata made for Seven-Eleven Co., Ltd.

Each full episode is around 1 min & 30 seconds, as this entry includes:
#1: Lens-goshi no Omoi (レンズ越しの想い), Jan 24, 2021.
#2: Yuki no hi, Ano Magarikado de (雪の日、あの曲がり角で), Feb 21, 2021.
#3: Sotsugyou. Haru wo Kakenukete (卒業。春を駆け抜けて), Mar 24, 2021.

Tags: Advertisement , Athletics , Heterosexual , Photography
Where to watch?
Kikkake wa, KitKat de.

Kikkake wa, KitKat de.

Status: Finished
Genres: Slice of Life

A series of animated commercials directed by Naoko Yamada.

1) きっかけは、キットカットで。(Feb 21, 2022)
2) きっかけは、キットカットで。娘と母の心をつなぐきっかけ (Oct 3, 2022)

Tags: Food , Advertisement , Family Life
Where to watch?
BLUE: line・step・brush

BLUE: line・step・brush

Studio: Wit Studio
Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Slice of Life

Promotional video for Amgakuin (AMG), a school for artists who want to become active in the entertainment industry. This PV is directed by Kengo Saitou and produced for the institute's 25th anniversary. All key figures to this animation are alumni from AMG and are now successfully working in the anime industry. The theme song is "Ikiru" by the band UNDER GRAPH.

Tags: School , Baseball
Watashi no Hashtag ga Haenakute.

Watashi no Hashtag ga Haenakute.

Studio: Bandai Namco Filmworks , Kyocera
Status: Finished
Genres: Sci-Fi

The anime takes place in the "smart city" envisioned by Kyocera. In the short, people express themselves through hashtags on aerial displays. Yume, who lacks self-confidence, tries to come up with a special hashtag, known as a "rare tag." Minoru, her senior, has multiple "rare tags."

Tags: Advertisement , College


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