Anime like Konna Koto Soudou

What is Konna Koto Soudou about?

Status: Finished

Music video directed and animated by sakiyama for the song Konna Koto Soudou by ZUTOMAYO.

Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Konna Koto Soudou



Also known as missing.

Status: Finished
Genres: Psychological , Supernatural

Music video animated by sakiyama for the song missing by Ado.

Note: The track featured in this music video was also used as the theme song in the live-action movie Karada Sagashi.

Kan Saete Kuyashii wa

Kan Saete Kuyashii wa

Status: Finished
Genres: Adventure , Mystery , Psychological , Supernatural

Music video directed and animated by sakiyama for the song Kan Saete Kuyashii wa by ZUTOMAYO.
Note: This song was originally released in June, 2019, but had its MV made in 2021 to commemorate Zutomayo reaching 1 million subscribers on their official YouTube channel.

Tags: Butler , Food , Heterosexual


Also known as Humanoid.

Status: Finished
Genres: Psychological , Supernatural

Music video directed and animated by sakiyama for the song Humanoid by ZUTOMAYO.

How to Eat Life

Inochi no Tabekata

Also known as How to Eat Life.

Status: Finished
Genres: Supernatural

Music video directed and animated by Marie Yasui for the song Inochi no Tabekata by Eve.

Tags: Urban , Body Horror , Male Protagonist , Gore , Food , Urban Fantasy
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