Anime like Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club

also known as Spirit of Wonder: Scientific Boys Club

What is Spirit of Wonder: Scientific Boys Club about?

Studio: Ajiado
Status: Finished

The now 50 year old Scientific Boys Club decides to built a ship that sails to Mars on the "Ethereal Current" - a thesis of the wife of a club member which claims that the universe is flooded with Ethereal energy. On this stream they travel to Mars in order to prove an old theory about channels on Mars built by Martians, but there is no life. Many years later, when both theories are considered to be nonsense, a Mars expedition discovers a stone with the inscription "Scientific Boys Club 1954".

Tags: Astronomy , Travel , Rural , Space , Historical , Foreign , Seinen , Primarily Adult Cast , Primarily Male Cast , Male Protagonist , Female Protagonist , Nudity
Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise

Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa

Also known as Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise.

Studio: Gainax , Maiden Japan
Status: Finished
Genres: Action , Drama , Sci-Fi

"I will not give up. I will realize my dream...even if it means death!"

When cadet Shiro Lhadatt signs up with the Royal Space Force, he encounters ridicule and apathy from manipulative leaders and a cynical public. But a chance encounter with a devout young woman spurs Shiro on towards his destiny: to become the first man in space! While military leaders conspire to use the space program to spark an all-out war, Shiro and a team of aging scientists race against time to complete the first launch.

Tags: Space , Aviation , Military , Astronomy , Male Protagonist , Religion , Politics , War , Primarily Adult Cast , Dystopian , Anti-Hero , Foreign , Environmental , Coming of Age , Nudity
Where to watch?
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water

Fushigi no Umi no Nadia

Also known as Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water.

Studio: Gainax , NHK , Sogo Vision , Sei Young Animation , Sentai Filmworks , Animatsu Entertainment , KORAD , Group TAC
Status: Finished
Genres: Adventure , Comedy , Romance , Sci-Fi

In 1889, the world is on the pinnacle of great discoveries in technology. In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle, obsessed with restoring the former Atlantean empire to the glory it once held, begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Raltique, and the mysterious captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis. Based on the Novel '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' by Jules Verne.

Tags: Historical , Ships , Coming of Age , Steampunk , Foreign , Heterosexual , Robots , Lost Civilization , Tanned Skin , Circus , Male Protagonist , Female Protagonist , Aliens , Tragedy , Love Triangle , Cyborg , Mythology , Royal Affairs , Religion , Space


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