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What is The Story of Little Monica about?
Status: Finished
Based on the erotic game by Rune.Will, an orphan originally from Little Monica, a city of culture and arts, returns to a place he hasn't been in since his childhood to contribute to it and have a reunion with his childhood friend, Celia. What he doesn't know is that during his long absence, things have changed for the worse and Little Monica, once a city of high culture has become a capital of degeneration. The question is can Will resist the temptations offered by the city or will he succumb to it. With a little help from Celia and her sisters Tina and Mei, as well Miss Meow, they just might succeed in returning Little Monica to its former glory.
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Here is a list of Anime similar to Little Monica Monogatari
Studio: Pink Pineapple , T-Rex
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Kazuma returns home after a long absence and becomes a part-time home tutor to his younger sister and a few other girls.
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Also known as Wet Summer Days. Studio: Kitty Media
Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Fantasy , Hentai , Romance
Where to watch?
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Studio: Pink Pineapple
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Where to watch?
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