What is Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari about?
Status: Finished
Based on long running manga by Tatsuya Egawa (Golden Boy). It tells the tale of final-year high-schooler, Murakami Naoki who falls for Mizuno Haruka as they make university entrance exams preparations.Tags: Heterosexual , School , Football
Where to watch?
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Here is a list of Anime similar to Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari
GOLDEN BOY: Sasurai no Obenkyou Yarou
Also known as GOLDEN BOY. Studio: KSS , APPP , Discotek , Selecta Visión
Status: Finished
Genres: Adventure , Comedy , Ecchi
Tags: Episodic , Work , Satire , Male Protagonist , Seinen , Travel , Female Harem , Cycling , Heterosexual , Nudity , Meta , Motorcycles , Software Development , Office Lady , Tanned Skin , Swimming , Yakuza , Primarily Adult Cast
Where to watch?