Anime like Yakou wo Yobu


What is Yakou wo Yobu about?

Status: Finished

Music video directed by Sunao for the song Yakou wo Yobu by KOKO.

Note: The music video initially premiered on KOKO's YouTube channel on September 25, 2021, but was re-uploaded again on September 28, with corrected credits.

Tags: VTuber , Guns
Where to watch?

Here is a list of Anime similar to Yakou wo Yobu

the last bullet

the last bullet

Also known as the last bullet.

Status: Finished

Music video directed by Tatsuro Ogata for the original song the last bullet by KOKO.

Tags: CGI , Cyberpunk , VTuber
Never Lost Word

Shissou Word

Also known as Never Lost Word.

Status: Finished

Music video animated and directed by sidu for the song Never Lost Word by Jin (Shizen no Teki P).

Tags: Coming of Age


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