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What is Bakunyuudou about?
Status: Finished
All of the female characters are gorgeously drawn and they are portrayed in the stories as innocent, but horny, girl-next-door types (classmates, office girls, housewives, someone who lives next door, etc.); sex scenes are very detailed and frequent, as the author explores various sexual fantasies in contemporary Japan. Where to read?
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Bakunyuudou
Bessatsu Comic Unreal Bakunyuu Fantasy
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Cover Illustration: Mogudan
Noukou-kei Idol Bekko-chan (農耕系アイドルべっこちゃん) [Mutsutake]
Sainyuuki (最乳記) [Umetarou]
Bakunyuu de Aishite! (爆乳で愛して!) [Yukimaro Yukky]
One-shota Love Potion (おねショタ♥ラブポーション) [Tsukasawa]
Volume 2
Cover Illustration: shuz
Nekomimi Oneesan no Oppai Ongaeshi! (猫耳お姉さんのおっぱい恩返し!) [shuz]
Kagami no Naka no Rondo (鏡の中の輪舞曲(ロンド)) [Crowe]
Shiro ni Shizumu Omoi (白に沈む思い, Mind Going Blank) [Supika]
Slime Seisakuki (すらいむ制作記) [Kaiduka]
Shibatte Maji-milk (搾ってマジミルク) [Koppamu]
Where to read?
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