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What is Bokura no Fushidara about?
Status: Finished
Yuuki Minami is a hard working student, she has just been inaugurated as Vice President but she knows she needs to keep on studying harder and harder to keep her grades up and escape her current family circumstances. All she needs is more time, more time to study and work her way up! When a ghost appears before her able to grant her wish, what will be the price for the gift of more time? Where to read?
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Also known as Metamorphosis. Saki Yoshida is a graduating middle school student with little to look forward to in life. Having been shy at the beginning, she ended up not making a single friend during middle school and wants to change that in high school starting with her looks. Saki might find out that she got more than she bargained for, though, when fate takes a turn for the worse and her newly blooming youth crumbles. Where to read?
Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Psychological , Romance , Thriller
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