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What is Breaking in the Bratty Bad Boy about?
Status: Finished
Kou Saejima is a juvenile delinquent boy, and Mei Aizawa is his senpai who's popular in school, across all grades.Saejima, intending to skip class headed to the infirmary, but there he caught Aizawa giving a male student a blowjob. She tries to make him take responsibility for interrupting their now failed session and he resists wildly at first, until his arms suddenly get restrained...
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Furyou Shounen-kun, Ecchi na Onee-san ni Ijiwaru Saremakuri
Bocchan-kun, Ecchi na Onee-san ni Kakimidasaremakuri
Also known as Mr. Moneybags Gets Shaken Up. Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Therefore, just like how he usually does with the power of his money, he gets his butler to send her all sorts of gifts, but she accepted none of it, which confuses him.
However, when he gathers his courage and personally invites her to his birthday party, she readily accepts; her carrot-and-stick approach to him ruffles his heart.
The two of them slip away from the party and they end up by themselves in his room; since it's his birthday, as a special occasion she'll give him what he desires as much as he wants...!?
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Tiny Evils chans!: Mujaki de Zankoku na Shoujo-tachi no Ecchi na Tanpenshuu
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Miyu no Moe Sode Manko (みゆの萌え袖まんこ)
Nina no Omamagoto Fella (ニナのおままごとフェラ)
Shoujo-tachi e no Shiawase Dive (少女達へのしあわせダイブ)
Tiny Evils chans! 2
JS Succubus no Senyou Seieki Server (JSサキュバスの専用精液サーバー)
Gekioko Hiyake Shoujo no Chinchin Kosatsu Shokei (激おこ日焼け少女のちんちん絞殺処刑)
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Ali-channel 1+2+3 Follower-san-tachi ni Otomari-Off Asa made Ochinchin Review Namahousou
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Where to read?
No reading links available