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What is Cheerleader about?
Status: Releasing
Brian returns to Korea after studying in the US. He is now a baseball player, while his childhood friend is his team's cheerleader.Here is a list of Manga similar to Cheerleader
Dolsoe Jeon
Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Hentai
“Ma’am, would it be okay if I acted boldly once more?”
Seonsuchon: Teot
Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Hentai
In a corrupt training center, the coach wields unchecked power over the athletes. As their hunger for victory intensifies, their unbridled desires lead them toward inevitable collapse…
Jogeuman Nunawa Keun Dongsaeng
Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Hentai
“Saetbyeol, you seem exhausted these days.”
“Yeah, because I was playing with my little brother.”
“Really? You have a little brother?”
“Yes. He’s cute.”
“Wow~ He’s really…”
Huh?!! Her little brother in the picture is a huge black man?! And this ugly figure is definitely… what the fuck?!
Where to read?
Geoyu Waxing Shop Siljangnimdeul
Also known as Seductive Curves: The Waxing Shop Managers. Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Hentai