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What is Chikuhyou no Hanayome about?
Status: Finished
This is a story about a male elf who has had his legs amputated and transformed into a hermaphrodite so he could be raped and impregnated. Where to read?
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Chikuhyou no Hanayome
When they were children Andy was bullied by other kids. This led to a very serious railway accident, as one day things got out of hand Brandon rushed to save Andy's life. He made it in time but got hurt himself and suffers from epilepsy ever since. This accident has given rise to serious changes in their tastes, personalities and lifestyles. Bran stuck in the role of a victim and let Andy take care of him. What will become of them if Andy's dirty secrets will come out into the open? Where to read?
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Kevin-san no Milk Bokujou
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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TS-ko to Orc-san Manga
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Little Red
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Bessatsu Comic Unreal Ningen Bokujou-hen
Status: Finished
Genres: Fantasy , Hentai , Supernatural
Releases below reflect their digital releases.
Volume 1
1) Monster Seisan Koujou, Kengaku! (モンスター生産工場、見学!, Monster Breeding Factory, Inspection!) [Zucchini]
2) Seishokusen Sacred (性蝕船セイクリッド, Sacred, the Breeder Ship) [Takayuki Hiyori]
3) Kemono Hitomura Hanshoku Business (獣人村繁殖ビジネス, Beastman Village Breeding Business) [Sakazaki Freddie]
4) Dairokuki Juuten Seisan Yakushinki (第六期重点生産躍進期, Sixth Focused Production Development) [Ashimoto☆Yoika]
Volume 2
1) Surrogate Squad (サロゲート・スクワッド) [Fan no Hitori]
2) Ishu Kan Kouhai Bokujou (異種姦交配牧場) [Somejima]
3) Welcome to the Zoo! (どうぶつえんへようこそ!) [Sakurai Energy]
4) Kosei no Jidai! (子性の時代!) [Gujira]
Volume 3
1) Cradle to Grave (Cradle to Grave) [Takayuki Hiyori]
2) Incubus no Yakata (インキュバスの館) [Sakazaki Freddie]
3) Kankou Bokujou (姦行牧場) [Takashi]
4) Yako (夜行抄) [Tanaka Decilitre]
Volume 4
1) Arisu (蟻巣) [Zucchini]
2) Kemonomusume Bokujou Hanshokuki (獣娘牧場繁殖記) [Somejima]
3) Hito Kachikuka Seido (ヒト家畜化制度) [Nonaka Tama]
4) Zetsumetsu Hogo Keikaku (絶滅保護計画) [Nohito]
Volume 5
1) Dai San Elf Bokujou (第三エルフ牧場) [Amagi Michihito]
2) Majo no Zairyou Atsume (魔女の材料集め) [Sakizaki Freddie]
3) Harameru mao-sama! (はらめる魔王さま!) [Kawaisaw]
4) Bokujou no Meushi-tachi (牧場の雌牛達) [Aikawa Monako]
Volume 6
1) Mezumesu (メズメス) [Neromashin]i>
2) Planet Farmer (プラネットファーマー) [Somejima]
3) Human in the Loop (ヒューマン・イン・ザ・ループ) [Takayuki Hiyori]
4) Hokorashige ni (誇り貴らかに) [Aburidashi Zakuro]
Volume 7
1) Niwatori no Wakusei no Poultry Farm (鶏の惑星のポルトリー・ファーム) [ShindoL]
2) Elf no Tsukaimichi (エルフの使い道) [TRY]
3) Sennyou! Orc Ryosan Shisetsu (潜入!オーク量産施設) [Tanenashi Miya]
4) Toaru shigan-hei no shuki (とある志願兵の手記) [Ikeshita Maue]
Volume 8
1) Ajin Kuiki (亜人区域,Demi-Human Zone) [Amagi Michihito]
2) Elf Oukoku no Ochiu (エルフ王国の陥胎) [KANZUME]
3) Maou no Kachiku (魔王の家畜) [Sakazaki Freddie]
4) Hanshoku Orc Ship (繁殖オークシップ) [Somejima]
5) Jashin no Yuri Kago (邪神のゆりかご) [Shiriya]
Volume 9
1) Bokujou Prison (牧場プリズン,RANCH PRISON) [Keoya]
2) Seichou-sei Gokufuri no Yuusha-sama (成長性極振りの勇者さま) [Qudamomo]
3) Catastrophe of Water (カタストロフ・オブ・ウォーター) [41]
4) Nikukai Elf-tachi no Kyouen (肉塊エルフたちの狂宴) [ZIRAN]
Volume 10
1) Oideyo! Ningen no Bokujou (おいでよ!人間の牧場) [Aya Shachou]
2) Mutant Cow Factory (ミュータントカウ・ファクトリー) [Yuuki Yuma]
3) Menin Kurui Chiri! (女忍狂い散り!) [Sanfuro]
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Status: Finished
Genres: Horror , Supernatural
Where to read?
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