Hentai Manga like Futago Shimai-chan no Yuri Seikatsu

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What is Futago Shimai-chan no Yuri Seikatsu about?

Status: Releasing

"Well, if you really want to, then... okay..."

Momo and Ao are twin sisters who are living apart after their parents got divorced. After 10 years, Momo gets reunited with her younger twin sister, and she is fascinated by how big Ao's boobs have become, so Momo finds herself feeling her sister up while she sleeps... Ao is jolted awake by this, but she isn't particularly against it!

Note: This has two editions, regular monochrome and official full color. Each edition also has two versions, one is a version with full censorship and the version marked R-18 has mosaic censorship. The covers are slightly different, but the story is the same across all four versions.
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Futago Shimai-chan no Yuri Seikatsu

When Budding Lilies Blossom

Yuri no Tsubomi ga Saku Koro ni

Also known as When Budding Lilies Blossom.

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai , Romance

Rena and Manami originally planned to have a romantic Christmas date, but when Manami catches a cold, their happy holiday is put on hold. Fast forward to New Year’s Eve - Rena heads to Manami’s to make up for lost time, but once she arrives questions start swirling around in her head. This is their first night together, and Rena’s face heats up wondering if Manami ever has “adult” things on her mind. Despite her doubts, Rena still wishes to give her the best night of her life.

To Rena’s surprise, Manami has a Christmas miracle in store for her! Decked head to toe in holiday cheer with decorations everywhere, Manami beams with excitement, gifting her a beautiful necklace. Rena is grateful for the gift, but -oh no!- she didn’t get a gift for her! No worries for Manami, because Rena is the gift she wants to unwrap.

Yuriiro no Hibi

Yuriiro no Hibi

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Ouchi de Shimashiyo (おうちでシましよ)
Mazaranai Rasen (混ざらない螺旋)
3-4. Tomodachi no Owarikata (友達の終わり方 前後編)
Kaisaku Shoujo (快作少女)
Hitomi no Naka no Signal (瞳の中のシグナル)
Shoujo no Torikago (少女の鳥籠)
Uso wo Kasanete Shukufuku wo (嘘を重ねて祝福を)
Fureau Tabi ni Koi wo Shite (ふれあう度に恋をして)
Watashi to Kanojo wa Kiss wo Suru (私と彼女はキスをする)
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Yuri no Tsubomi ni Kuchibiru Furete

Yuri no Tsubomi ni Kuchibiru Furete

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai , Romance , Slice of Life

This volume includes:

Shiawase no Kakushibasho (幸せの隠し場所)
Secret Ingredients 〜 White Day no Amai Himitsu 〜 (Secret Ingredients〜ホワイトデーの甘い秘密〜)
Aenai Yoru ni, Tsunagaru Kokoro (逢えない夜に、繋がるココロ)
Aitai Kimi to, Tokeau Kokoro (逢いたい君と、とけあうココロ)
Kitto, Onajiiro no Kokoro. (きっと、同じ色の心。)
Itazurana Shinnyuusei (悪戯な新入生)
Kaettara, Asuka-chan to… ♥ (帰ったら、明日香ちゃんと… ♥)
Watashi Dake… Kimi ni Dake…. (私だけ…君にだけ…。)
Kono Deai ga Unmeinara… (この出会いが運命なら…)
Where to read?
Momoyuri Gakuen: Himitsu no Soap-bu

Momoyuri Gakuen: Himitsu no Soap-bu

Status: Releasing
Genres: Hentai

Momoyuri Gakuen - Himitsu no Soap-bu (桃百合学園~ひみつのソープ部~)
Momoyuri Gakuen - Himitsu no Soap-bu 2nd (桃百合学園~ひみつのソープ部~ 2人目)
Momoyuri Gakuen - Himitsu no Soap-bu R (桃百合学園~ひみつのソープ部R~)

Note: Chapter 1 & 2 were included in Chichi Yuri Girls
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