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What is Gesu BL about?
Status: Finished
Cover illustration: HideyoshicoHigh School☆Lullaby (はいすく~る☆ララバイ) [Hideyoshico]
Good Excuse (グッドエクスキューズ) [Jaryuu Dokuro]
Yajirushi (やじるし) [Harada]
Sakasa Moji nara Suki da to Ieru (逆さ文字なら好きだと言える) [Ogeretsu Tanaka]
Kemono Kamo yo Miyuki-chan (ケモノカモヨミユキチャン) [Purugaria]
Buchioka (ブチオカ) [Fujio]
Gesu to Kuzu wa Hikareau (ゲスとクズは惹かれ合う) [Kubota]
Semai Sekai ni (せまいせかいに) [Tsuyuki Yuruco]
Ore wa Ninki Mono by (オレは人気者) [Inutoki (story) and Shouhei (art)]
Michizure (道連れ) [Ichikawa Kei]
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Gesu BL
Yami BL
Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Hentai , Psychological
Sayonara Bye-bye Mata Au Hi made (さよならバイバイまた会う日まで) [Konjiki Runa]
I will be with you forever [SHOOWA]
Ore wa Wasurenai (俺は忘れない) [London Pariko]
Gesu to Abazure (下衆とあばずれ) [Takumi You]
Anemone (アネモネ) [Kizuki Jin (story)×Yamamoto Kotetsuko (art)]
Houraku (崩落) [Akiko Ooshima]
Kotori wa Tottemo Uta ga Suki (小鳥はとっても歌が好き) [Takahashi Mako]
Taigan no Koi (対岸の恋) [Kuroda Kuz]
Amnesia: Kioku Kaizan (アムネジア~記憶改竄~) [Rokusei Mitsumi (novel)×Ogawa Chise (illustrations)]
Aoi Karte (青いカルテ) [Asou Mitsuaki]
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Fushidara na Hanatsumi Otoko
Kotaro goes to work as a housekeeper for Ayumi, a relative of his mother, and a man Kotaro has admired since childhood. He became somewhat disillusioned by the slovenly state Ayumi lives in, as well as his lifestyle choices... Where to read?
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Also known as Jackass!. Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Romance , Slice of Life
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