Hentai Manga like Haruiro Kanojo

Genres: Hentai
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What is Haruiro Kanojo about?

Status: Finished

The volume includes the following chapters:

Omoi Omoware (オモイオモワレ); COMIC ExE 30
Shirotaegiku (白妙菊); COMIC ExE 32
Dusty Miller (ダスティーミラー); COMIC ExE 33
Linaria (リナリア); COMIC ExE 19
Yoi no Hana (酔いの花); COMIC ExE 21
Te to Te wo Toreba (手と手を取れば); COMIC ExE 23
Karakawanaide Tachibana-san (からかわないで橘さん); COMIC ExE 25
Yuuki o Dashite (ユウキをだして); COMIC ExE 26
Omoi Omoware -Sorekara, Korekara- (オモイオモワレ -それから、これから-); kakioroshi
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Haruiro Kanojo

Adameku Hanatachi

Adameku Hanatachi

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

1-2. Kanna to Karin (カンナとカリン); Kairakuten Beast 2021-03, 05
Tied up ; Kairakuten Beast 2022-01
Anemone (アネモネ); Kairakuten Beast 2021-01
5-6. Nagasarete… (流されて…); Kairakuten Beast 2020-09, 11
Moon Cradle (ムーン・クレイドル); Kairakuten Beast 2021-09
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Torokase Orgasm

Torokase Orgasm

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Kage no Tsuru Ito (陰の蔓糸, Tendrils in the Shadows), Comic Anthurium 2019-01

2-3. Koko ga Tanetsuke Frontier (ここが種付けフロンティア, This Is The Mating Frontier!); Comic Anthurium 2015-12, 2016-09
Trying to find his way back to civilization after treasure hunting for days, Lang finally spots a village in the distance but collapses from exhaustion. Waking up, he finds an elf woman, Heina, sitting next to his bed. She is the one who found him and treated his wounds while he slept. Lang discovers that the entire village is full of women, and Heina reveals to him that he's in an elf mating village—a place where elf women go every 50 years to strengthen their blood by mating with other races. Now Heina wants Lang to choose three women to mate with!

Sensei Shiyo! (せんせーしよ!); Comic Anthurium 2015-03

Wagamama STEADY (ワガママSTEADY); COMIC Anthurium 2015-07

Nikutsubo Dorei Kishi Bergia (肉壺奴隷騎士ベルギア, Meat-pot Slave Knight Bergia); Comic Anthurium 2017-10

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Little Black Flower

Chiisana Kuroi Hana

Also known as Little Black Flower.

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Incredible! ♥ Please serve up your balls!!
The Sweaty Sticky Summer!!


Also known as The Sweaty Sticky Summer!!.

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

The protagonist receives a confession from a beauty on the swim team. The truth is, he's had a thing for her for a while, but as her supervisor, he has to turn down her advances. When she corners him with a bottle of lube during her graduation party, will he be able to say no?

Note: Released at Comic Market 95
Honey Temptation

Honey Temptation

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

1-3. Tsugi wa Kou wa Ikanai kara na! (次はこうはいかないからな!); Comic ExE Vol 39, 40, 41.
4-6. Tachiaoi (立葵); Comic ExE Vol. 43, 44, 45.
Karakawasenai yo Tachibana-san (からかわせないよ橘さん); Comic ExE 38
Karakawasenai yo Tachibana-san + (からかわせないよ橘さん+)
Honey Temptation (はにーてんぷてーしょん); COMIC ExE 46

Note: The special digital edition includes an extra chapter.
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Bukatsu Shoujo Paradise: Asekkaki no Tenshi-tachi

Bukatsu Shoujo Paradise: Asekkaki no Tenshi-tachi

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

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Boku no Mama Katsu

Boku no Mama Katsu

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Single Mother to Issho ni (シングルマザーとー緒に, Together with a Single Mother); Comic AUN 2019-12
Gal Mama to Issho ni (ギャルママとー緒に, Together with a Gyaru Mother); Comic AUN 2020-04
Miboujin Mama to Issho ni (未亡人ママとー緒に, Together with a Widowed Mother); Comic AUN 2020-06
Mama Sannin to Kyuujitsu Date (ママ3人と休日デート, Holiday Date with 3 Mothers); Comic AUN 2020-12
Hitozuma Shimai to Issho ni (人妻姉妹とー緒に, Together with the Married Sisters); Comic AUN 2021-06
Mutsumaji Fan (睦まじいフアン, Friendly Fan); Comic AUN 2018-08
My Dear Teacher (マイ・ディア・ティーチャー); Comic AUN 2019-02
Where to read?
Kyou kara Kimi no Dorei

Kyou kara Kimi no Dorei

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Idol ni Watashi wa Naru! (アイドルに私はなる!)
Coleus (彩葉草 -コリウス-)
Otouto to no Happy Life! (弟とのハッピーライフ!)
Yamadera Munenori no Kagyou (山寺宗則の家業)
Yamadera Munenori no Kagyou 2 (山寺宗則の家業2)
Suki Suki Daisuki (好き好き大好き!)
Sankaku Kankei (三角関係)
Yuetsu ♥ Yakyuu-sha (愉悦♥野球社)
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Imouto to Yatte Shimattashi, Imouto no Tomodachi to mo Yatte Shimatta

Imouto to Yatte Shimattashi, Imouto no Tomodachi to mo Yatte Shimatta

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Where to read?
Akujo Kousatsu

Akujo Kousatsu

Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai

Boku no Kanojo wa Doitsu-jin
Kokoro to Karada: Hiraita Tsubomi
Bouei Line
4-6. Akujo Kousatsu
Haijin Gamer Funtouki
Natsu to Kaito
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