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What is I Tried Living With a Goddess For a Year about?
Status: Finished
In order to rise to godhood, goddess-in-training, Chisa, must live in the human world as a guardian goddess to a human for one year. And she chooses... Keigo, a loser who only thinks about sex. But Chisa doesn't know anything about the human world and it's up to Keigo to teach her. Together, they're about to give in to their basest desires. Where to read?
Here is a list of Manga similar to Megami to Ichinen Kurashitemita.
Tsuyoki na Tannin Kyoushi Otoshitemita
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Where to read?
No reading links available
Yankee Musume ni H na Choukyou Shitemita
Also known as I Sexually Trained a Delinquent Girl. Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Released at Comiket 95
Where to read?