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What is Love at First Bite about?
Status: Finished
When Makoto is practicing his professions of love in the park one night, Shiro happens to hear the words "I love you" while passing by. As a monster that consumes words, Shiro finds Makoto's particularly tasty and the two soon find themselves living together. Where to read?
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Kimi to Oishii Ai no Kotonoha
Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Also known as Baby, Sugar, Succubus. Status: Finished
Genres: Romance
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Kirai de Isasete
Also known as Hate Me, but Let Me Stay. Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Psychological , Romance
Where to read?
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Neko to Bed
Also known as My Cat And My Bed. Status: Finished
Genres: Romance
Where to read?
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