Manga like Mikon no Futotcho Ninpu, Ijuu Suru ~Single mother no Machi~

What is Mikon no Futotcho Ninpu, Ijuu Suru ~Single mother no Machi~ about?

Status: Finished

Mitsuba lives with her mother and grandmother. Both women try to marry her off at all costs. Mitsuba doesn't see it that way. If she does end up expecting a child, she decides to raise it far from her toxic family. So off she goes to a small town with a reputation for treating single mothers well.

Tags: Female Protagonist , Primarily Adult Cast , Pregnant
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Mikon no Futotcho Ninpu, Ijuu Suru ~Single mother no Machi~

Hanamaru Goshussan!

Hanamaru Goshussan!

Status: Finished
Genres: Slice of Life

All about childbirth, as described by 13 mothers.

Ninpugokoro Futatabi (ニンプゴコロふたたび, 宇仁田ゆみ)
Tsugi Umunara Dotchi no Byouin? (次産むならどっちの病院?, 野口ともこ)
San'ninme (三人目, おかざき真里)
No Tenki Fuufu no Ikiataribattari Shussan ― Kinkyuu! Teiousekkai-hen (のーてんき夫婦のいきあたりばったり出産―緊急!帝王切開編, えび原りょう)
Muri Shicha Dame yo (無理しちゃダメヨ☆, 斉藤倫)
Shussan Itchokusen! Aa Mutsuu (出産一直線!―ああ無痛, 安彦麻理絵)
Tamago Ninpu (たまごにんぷ, 天堂きりん)
7-ri Kazoku ni Narimashita (7人家族になりました, 南Q太)
Itsunomanika Kodomo Futari (いつのまにか子どもふたり, 渡辺やよい)
Ninpu no Tomo. (妊婦のトモ。, 森田さや)
Jintsuu Tounoite Kisa re Chaimashita (陣痛遠のいて帰されちゃいました, 後藤知見)
Hanemuunbeibii (ハネムーンベイビー, パンチョ)
Heppoko Ninpu (へっぽこ妊婦, 安藤宏美)

Tags: Anthology , Autobiographical , Female Protagonist , Educational , Pregnant
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