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What is Oni to Hebi about?
Status: Finished
Unlucky man Kiryuu was at a loss. He went to jail in place of his aniki, and when he was back, the group was long gone. Since then, he got entangled with weird people, his electricity was cut off, and finally he ran over a man. Mita, the accident's victim, is a handyman. Kiryuu decided to take care of Mita to apologize for injuring him. However, after a while, disturbing signs began to surround Mita...? Where to read?
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Oni to Hebi
Amaetai Kemono
Also known as The Beast That Yearns To Be Tamed. Status: Finished
Genres: Romance , Slice of Life
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Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai , Romance
When told by Chika, "You have no sex appeal," Tao decides to receive guidance from him. Tao wants to get closer to Jin. That's why he works hard on the lessons to be more sexually appealing. But suddenly it turns out that Chika and Jin are the same person...?
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Also known as Vivarium. Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Psychological , Romance
Note: Chapter count includes an epilogue and 6 side story chapters.
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