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What is Otome Tsuushin about?
Status: Finished
A collection of 8 erotic short stories:Fresh - Chiiko is a college student who teaches a summer swim class. But her lush figure is the source of rivalry between two boys, cute Kazu and annoying Gouda. Kazu begs his sensei for extra swim lessons so he can win a bet with Gouda. And Chiiko is thrilled when she learns Kazu made the bet for her sake. Kazu is just so irresistable...
Special Practice
I'll Show You How! (Let's Train)
Sensible Big Brother. Your little sister, Yu, caught you making out with her friend, Kaho. Kaho warned you about Yu's feelings--but, no, you, Captain Clueless, said it's all good. Well little sis is now bawling her eyes out and swearing she loves you. Then Kaho hugs her and says she's sorry for stealing her big brother. She turns Yu towards you and says, "Go get him, Yu-chan!"...
Sister Submission (My Sister Submitted To Her Orders)
Sana Anekawa and Reading Between The Lines
Once More Hello!
The Origin
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Otome Tsuushin
Koiseyo Otome
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Secret Gymnastics
The Secret Lightning Rod of Love
Fashion Paradise
Bukkake Danchou (Bukkake Club President - Hazuki's Special Rubbing Training)
Bukkake Ouendan (Bukkake Cheerleaders Club - A Milky Hell of Joint Practice with Men and Women)
7-8. An Erotic Comic Work
Chichi Labo (Boob Laboratory)
Let's Play Together
Together at the Daycare
The Sexual iDOL M@STER Project
Pestering Sister
Torokeru Musubi (Melty Rice Ball)
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Soushi Souai
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai , Romance
Hari (玻璃, Quartz); COMIC MUJIN 2009-03
2-3. MY・WISH (MY・WISH〈前後編〉, MY WISH〈Before and After〉)
[My Wish - COMIC MUJIN 2010-03, My Wish x Your Wish - COMIC MUJIN 2010-05. A short extra chapter (happens between the two chapters) - COMIC MUJIN 2010-09]
Kenji hasn't been able to find a steady job since he graduated from high school. So he's living with his older sister in exchange for helping around the house.
Mimi (みみ, Ear); COMIC MUJIN 2009-01
5-7. Let's Enjoy Riding (Let's enjoy Riding 〈前中後編〉, Let's Enjoy Riding 〈First, Middle and Second Part〉) [ Let's Enjoy Riding First Part - COMIC MUJIN 2009-07, Let's Enjoy Riding Middle Part - COMIC MUJIN 2009-10, Let's Enjoy Riding Second Part - COMIC MUJIN 2010-01]
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Ecchi no Renshuu
Also known as Sex Practice. Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Published in Comic Kairakuten 2018-11
Where to read?