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What is Secret! Jeoljeong♥Hero about?
Status: Finished
Hello, I’m a B-list hero, Heart-Eye-Girl. I’m called “Heart Eyes” amongst the villains. My ability? The more excited I get, the stronger I become… yes, in a shamefully inappropriate way. My ability is really too much to handle~ I’ve been hiding it behind the idea of being forcibly toyed by bad guys and then beating them up! But recently, I’ve been feeling so crazy… Now even the bad guys ignore me and pick on the bigger heroes and prey on them… They then send me a bunch of pictures of chili peppers saying I have been kicked to the side… It makes me feel like “Will I be okay with this?” Where to read?
Here is a list of Manga similar to Secret! Jeoljeong♥Hero
Secret Massage
Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Hentai
Where to read?