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What is Steamy Love about?
Status: Releasing
A yuri romance between a sober working woman and a childishly beautiful JK girl. That young girl she just met at the hot spring is toying with her... A relationship that began with a physical encounter that left both body and soul throbbing. Where to read?
Here is a list of Manga similar to Torokeru Joshiyu
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Also known as Witchcraft. On-going series of spells, magic, charms and curses...oh yeah and lots of sex as well. One Mochizuki Kaoru hides from bullies chasing him inside a fortunetelling shop owned by one Kagami Kyoko. Kyoko tries out one of the spells she's been studying on poor, meek Kaoru and the results brings out more than just Kaoru's aggresive persona. The charm's side-effects also makes Kaoru blessedly-equipped not to mention perpetually ready to keep on going. Kyoko uses and studies Kaoru under the guise as one of her "assistants". Where to read?
Majo Sensei no Hatsujou Lesson
Also known as Lust Lessons with My Witchcraft Tutor . Status: Finished
Genres: Fantasy , Hentai
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