Manga like Veranda wa Nankoufuraku no La France

Genres: Slice of Life

What is Veranda wa Nankoufuraku no La France about?

Status: Finished

Music, children, teenagers, adventure, and hidden magic.

A collection of short stories filled with the essence of Erisawa Seiko, from her recent works to rare ones.

Girl's Survival Kit Retroreflector Yuube no Ongaku (Evening Music) La France Hama Omoto (Spider Lily) Ichiba nite (At The Market) 7-9. Nankoufuraku Shoutengai (Impregnable Shopping District) Veranda

Tags: Anthology , Josei
Where to read?

Here is a list of Manga similar to Veranda wa Nankoufuraku no La France

Coffee Jikan

Coffee Jikan

Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Slice of Life

This is a series of short stories that all involve coffee in some way.

Tags: Food , Seinen , Ensemble Cast , Episodic , Primarily Adult Cast , Detective , Police


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