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What is Wingding Orgy: Hot Tails Extreme about?
Status: Finished
This five issue series from TOSHIKI (Hot Tails, Misty Girl Extreme) YUI has more of his stunning computer-enhanced covers, plus super-long stories in a deluxe 40-page package! Keisuke wants to get it on with his gorgeous girlfriend Michiko, but she's got a bad case of "virgin-itis." Luckily, through a convergence of forces beyond his comprehension, his depraved lust manifests itself as Manaruki, a beautiful female spirit who will do ANYTHING he desires! Where to read?
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Wingding Orgy: Hot Tails Extreme
Hatsujo Shoukougun
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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