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What is Worst Day Ever about?
Status: Finished
First day as a landlord? Great. One of your tenants is your bully from high school? Not great. Well at least you can stand up for yourself now right? Oh you're still a coward? Sigh... This is truly the worst day ever.Here is a list of Manga similar to Iljin Kkoin Nal
Neoui Sajeoeun
Also known as Coming Too Soon. Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Hentai , Romance , Supernatural
Also known as Tie Me Up. Status: Finished
Genres: Comedy , Hentai , Romance , Supernatural
Yeochini Neomu Yaham
Also known as My Naughty Girlfriend. Status: Finished
Genres: Drama , Hentai , Romance , Slice of Life