Manga like Yod Venus

What is Yod Venus about?

Status: Finished

Tags: Shounen , Female Protagonist , Male Protagonist , Gods , Tsundere , School
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Yui Kamio Lets Loose

Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui

Also known as Yui Kamio Lets Loose.

Status: Finished
Genres: Action , Comedy , Drama , Romance , Supernatural

What is the terrifying secret behind beautiful honor student Yui Kamio's hair?! And why must she always keep it tied up? Super popular Kiito's high school life is plunged into chaos by the worst classmate imaginable! Hiroshi Shiibashi, the creator of Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, delivers a comedy that isn't afraid to let loose!

Tags: Dissociative Identities , Shounen , Female Harem , Delinquents , Primarily Female Cast , Youkai


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