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What is Yokubou Labyrinth about?
Status: Finished
TS Adventure! Ochita Yuusha Taito (TSアドベンチャー!~堕ちた勇者タイト~)Chouhouin Garnet: Slime Ryoujoku no Hate ni (諜報員ガーネット ~スライム陵辱の果てに~)
Seishojo Sanran Mokushiroku (聖処女産卵黙示録)
Midara Ninpouchou: Joku (淫忍法帳・辱)
Akki Ryouran (悪鬼凌乱)
6, 10. Futanari Gakuen Gekokujou Gijiroku (ふたなり学園下克上議事録)
Reizoku: Orokana Rishi Waga Inma (隷属 ~愚かなりし我が淫魔~)
Hajimete no Massage (はじめてのマッサージ)
Inu no Oneesan: Shounen Choukyoujou (いぬのおねえさん ~少年調教場~)
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Here is a list of Manga similar to Yokubou Labyrinth
Yokubou Pandora
Also known as Desire Pandora. Status: Releasing
Genres: Comedy , Ecchi , Romance , Supernatural
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Yariman shika Inai Kaisha ni Nyuusha shita Shinsotsu-chan ga!!
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Where to read?
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Yokubou Scarlet
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
Note: Released at Comic Market 93.
Where to read?
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