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What is M.A.N.A about?
Status: Finished
This is an original JK story from Comiket 90! Mana Sano is a high school girl who worked as a tutor. After a class, she couldn't go home due to a sudden storm. Her student's father invited her to stay until the rain stoped. After dinner, Mana was helping to wash dishes while chatting with the father, when his hand suddenly grabbed her from behind... Where to read?
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Also known as E.R.I.N.A.. Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
As it turns out, he likes Yukina's drawings, complimenting her skills and even offering her advice. Even so, he claims that Yukina's manga lacks a sense of realism and tells her that she needs more practical experience. Of course, practical experience can be had in many ways, but her teacher is fixated on one method in particular...
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Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Ame no Hi wa, Honnori Chikubi
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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