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Here is a list of Manga similar to R.E.I.N.A
Also known as E.R.I.N.A.. Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
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Shokuba no Senpai
Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai , Romance
After the company drinking party, such a high caliber woman suddenly invites him to an after-party with just the two of them. They miss the last trains of the day and the two of them stay at a hotel; Naturally, there's no way they'll just go to sleep without doing anything...
Mou Ichido Nominaosanai? (もう一度飲みなおさない?; Would You Like Another Drink?)
Senpai to Honjitsu Nidome no Ohayou (先輩と本日2度目のおはよう; Senpai And Today's Second "Good Morning")
Gyaku Kouka (逆効果; Opposite Effect)
Senpai no Uchi de Nonda Ato (先輩のうちで飲んだあと; After Drinking at Senpai's Place)
Senpai to Shucchou (先輩と出張; Senpai And Business Trip)
Senpai wa Umi ni Ikitai (先輩は海に行きたい; Senpai Wants To Go to The Ocean)
Senpai to Umi (先輩と海; Senpai And The Ocean)
Senpai to Hajimete... (先輩と初めて…; Senpai And The First Time...)
Senpai mo Ano Toki Yoyuu Nakatta (先輩もあのとき余裕なかった; Senpai Didn't Have The Luxury To That Time)
~Hajimete no Yoru no Ichibushijuu~ (~初めての夜の一部始終~; ~Beginning to End of the First Night~); kakioroshi
Originally published on Twitter, the 10th chapter is exclusively for the physical release.
A live-action AV adaptation (URE-095) was released on June 27th, 2023.
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Status: Finished
Genres: Hentai
As it turns out, he likes Yukina's drawings, complimenting her skills and even offering her advice. Even so, he claims that Yukina's manga lacks a sense of realism and tells her that she needs more practical experience. Of course, practical experience can be had in many ways, but her teacher is fixated on one method in particular...
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Hakui wo Nuide Shitai Koto
Also known as I Want to Take Off My Nurse Uniform and Help You Get Off. Status: Releasing
Genres: Drama , Ecchi , Romance
Note: Simultaneously released in long-strip and traditional formats.
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