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What is Suterare Saikyou Ouji wa Jitsuryoku de Donna Onna mo Daki Makuru about?
Status: Releasing
Schild was raised as a bastard child, unaware that his father was the king himself. He and his mother were looked upon with contempt in the village, until Schild was 13 years old, when his mother finally remarried. Seen as an unwanted burden, Schild was forced to leave the village. When they parted, his mother gave him a sword that his father had left him. Schild wants to smash his father's head with the sword, the man who had abandoned him and his mother in such a cold village. With that as his goal, young Schild's adventure begins! Where to read?
Here is a list of Manga similar to Suterare Saikyou Ouji wa Jitsuryoku de Donna Onna mo Daki Makuru